We're getting married!

Please come and help us celebrate at El Molino del Conde, Andalucia, Spain. The fun starts at 3:30pm, Nickers should be arriving at 4:30pm so don't be late.....Wear something nice!

Monday 14 March 2011

Stuff to do

We’d love you to have a holiday when you’re over in Andalucia. It’s the perfect time of year (schools go back on the 1 September so everything is a little quieter) and it’s on average about 25 degrees Celsius. Wow. So what’s there to do?

The nearest large-ish village to El Molino is Iznajar, an 8 minute car ride, a fairly short hitchhike or a half a day’s walk. It’s a beautiful white walled village built around the ruins of a 1200 year old Moorish castle which sits upon a rocky outcrop. It’s gorgeous and with loads of character, 6000 people and 900 million cubic metres of water. Yes, it’s also set on a lake and looks a bit like this.
We recommend a visit to the castle, and just wondering around “Barrio del Coso”, a labyrinth of typical whitewashed Andalucían houses dotted around loads of super narrow lanes (watch for those rear view mirrors on the cars).

You can also swim in the lake, or canoe on it, braai on the beach next to it… or fish in it!!! (Terry, Daddikins: don’t miss the wedding!)

Don’t miss Granada. It’s a beautiful ancient city in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada, and famous for the Alhambra Palace. The Palace is super old (from the Nasrid Dynasty era - 1238-1492) and is where the Islamic government and soldiers stayed back in the day. Maybe you might even want to stay in the Palace if you feel decadent or just filthy rich. Granada can be done in a day trip and it’s recommended you book for the Palace, particularly on weekends. 

Whilst you’re In Granada you should really try a Hammam too . It’s a traditional bathhouse. We experienced a few similar ones on our travels (and in Hackney too) and highly recommend them! We’re thinking of building one in our home when we’re big one day.  http://www.granada.hammamspain.com/

Did you know Cordoba used to be the capital of Europe? It was also crucial in the shipping of Spanish olive oil, wine and wheat (some of our favourite things) back to Ancient Rome. It’s a gorgeous city with a long history, endless streets and loads of alleyways, plazas and whitewashed courtyards. One of the main reasons you want to come here is to see the Mezquita, one of the world’s Moorish architectural masterpieces. Apparently when the Christians conquered the area, they thought the Mosque was so beautiful that they just built a cathedral right inside it!

“Seville” wrote Byron, a famous 19th Century poet, “is a pleasant city famous for oranges and women.” Ok, so it may be seen as a bit of a chauvinist comment, but it apparently captures the romantic spirit of Seville, Andalucia’s capital. We haven’t been there yet but this place sounds wicked. It apparently has quite a reputation for fun, an electric atmosphere, some of the best street theatre in the world and some of the region’s most beautiful monuments. Sounds like the place for a wicked party.

Visit the Picasso Museum, 45 minutes away in Malaga - need we say more? Ok, well try the fine old Moorish fort too if you want.

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