We're getting married!

Please come and help us celebrate at El Molino del Conde, Andalucia, Spain. The fun starts at 3:30pm, Nickers should be arriving at 4:30pm so don't be late.....Wear something nice!

Sunday 13 March 2011

Stuck for what to buy us as a present? Here are a few ideas

a)    Don’t worry about it! We really just want you to come over and have some fun with us. We really appreciate you splashing out on a trip to Spain to do this! So please don’t worry…we’re not expecting it.

b)    Worry a bit. Well yes, some of us feel strange not giving anything. If you do really feel this way, we’d like to make a wee request and say a hearty thank you! We’ve had a taster for great John and Nickers’ adventures, and we think there is another waiting in the curtains.  We’d really love it if you could contribute financially towards “John and Nickers: The Great American Roadtrip”… a little travel fund goes a long way.

c)    Splash out. John’s always quite fancied a Ferrari

d)    Just forget to do it. Everyone knows Nickers has the worst memory in the world

e)    What is this post about again?

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